Unit 2, Baytree Leeds
Leodis Way
Leeds, LS10 1SE
Please contact us for price
- Space Available7.566 ac / 3.062 ha

Melinda Cross
Head of UK Industrial & Logistics
Agent details

Sophie Kettlewell
Associate - Industrial & Logistics
Agent details

Harry Fullerton
Director - Industrial & Logistics
Agent details
- Summary
- Facilities & services
- Energy rating
- Location
- Brochures
- Agents
New Prime Industrial / Distribution Unit
To Let
- 15m clear internal height
- 28 dock level loading doors
- 4 level access loading doors
- 50kN/m² floor loading
- 1600 kVA (HV fed) power supply
- 384 total car spaces (incl. overflow)
- 62 HGV spaces
- 50 cycle spaces
The accommodation comprises of the following
Description | sq ft | sq m |
Warehouse & Undercroft | 308,776 | 28,686.23 |
Offices | 15,909 | 1,477.99 |
Hub Office (2 storey) | 4,715 | 438.04 |
Gatehouse | 183 | 17 |
TOTAL (GIA) | 329,583 | 30,619.26 |
Pallet Racking - Wide Aisle | 44,520 | 4,136.04 |
Pallet Racking - VNA | 59,456 | 5,523.64 |
• 15m clear internal height
• 28 dock level loading doors
• 4 level access loading doors
• 50kN/m² floor loading
• 1600 kVA (HV fed) power supply
• 384 total car spaces (incl. overflow)
• 62 HGV spaces
• 50 cycle spaces
Units are available by way of a new FRI lease, terms to be agreed. For further details contact the joint agents.
Leeds Freight Terminal - 100 yards
M621 J7 - 1 mile
M1 J44 - 1.2 miles
Leeds Train Station - 3 miles
M62 J29 - 4 Miles
Leeds Bradford Airport - 12.3 miles
Sheffield - 32 miles
Manchester - 46 miles
Birmingham - 116 miles
London - 192 miles
Energy rating
EPC Exempt
The scheme has a strategic significance due to its proximity to Junction 7 of the M621 motorway, located immediately to the north-west which links in to the M62 for destinations north and west, and to the M1 motorway heading south. The A639 trunk road provides a link through to Junction 44 of the M1 motorway approximately half a mile to the east. The M1 motorway (north) provides links through to North Yorkshire and the North East of England.
Major occupiers close by include Royal Rail, Sheffield Insulation Group, Tuffnells Express Parcels, ARLA Foods, CEMEX, Kloeckner Metals, Steaper Group and First Direct.

Melinda Cross
Head of UK Industrial & Logistics
Agent details

Sophie Kettlewell
Associate - Industrial & Logistics
Agent details

Harry Fullerton
Director - Industrial & Logistics
Agent details
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