Coworking Space
ID V-7506Whitefriars
Lewins Mead
Bristol, BS1 2NT
Please contact us for price
- Space Available1 - 30 desks
- Summary
- Facilities & services
- Energy rating
- Location
- Brochures
- Agents
Whitefriars provides a highly successful and well proven business environment to suit modern working needs. This landmark building comprises a total of 138,000 sq ft and offers suites from 2,000 sq ft to complete floor plates of up to 20,000 sq ft, therefore appealing to a wide variety of occupiers. A dedicated on-site professional management and security team can react quickly to your business needs, providing building related advice as well as advising on and solving any occupational related issues. A large light and airy reception awaits those arriving at Whitefriars, equipped with seating space, plasma screens and WC facilities. Visitors will be greeted and directed by a fully trained receptionist. The available office accommodation has been extensively refurbished, along with the reception area and café as part of an ongoing building management and improvement programme. The building maintenance and management is modelled to enable Whitefriars to create a forward thinking, working environment. As well as providing high quality office space, there is an on-site gymnasium, a café and excellent conference facilities as well as an excellent car parking ratio of 1:600 sq ft.
Energy rating
EPC Exempt

Hannah Waterhouse
Director - Office Agency
Agent details
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