Former Hmp Gloucester
Barrack Square
Gloucester, GL1 2JN
Please contact us for price
- Space Available1.8 ac / 0.728 ha
- Summary
- Energy rating
- Location
- Brochures
- Agents
Residential Development Opportunity
- Detailed planning permission for 149 open market new build units
- Walking distance to Gloucester city centre
- Situated adjacent to the vibrant Gloucester Docks mixed use development
The former prison site is next to the Ladybellegate Street student accommodation development, due to open in September 2019. To the north of the site is the Quayside and Blackfriars Area. These are subject to a proposed residential led Local Development Order which will consequently alter the focus of the area away from commercial uses and regenerate the area in line with the Quays. The site is therefore well positioned in an area undergoing significant regeneration. Planning permission for the redevelopment of the Grade II and II* Listed former prison was granted on 6th December 2018. The scheme comprises 202 no. dwellings of which 164 are new build with the remainder being conversion. The conversion elements of the scheme and two small new build blocks are to be retained by City and Country.
Full planning and Listed Building applications (Ref: 17/00662/LBC and Ref: 17/00659/FUL) were submitted to Gloucester City Council in June 2017 for the site's redevelopment described as:
?Redevelopment of the former HMP Gloucester site comprising the partial demolition and conversion of Grade II* and Grade II Listed buildings to provide 38 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) and 481 sq m (GIA) of flexible commercial/community floorspace (Use Classes A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1, D2) at ground floor and first floor of Block C (Chapel wing); demolition of non-listed structures and the construction of even new buildings up to six storeys to accommodate 164 residential dwellings (Use Class C3); and associated car parking, cycle parking, private and communal amenity space, landscaping, access and related infrastructure works.'
The scheme provides, in total, 114 car parking spaces and 188 cycle spaces. Planning permission was granted before the Local Authority's adoption of CIL and therefore no CIL is payable on the consented scheme. There is no S106 agreement or requirement for affordable housing.
Energy rating
EPC Exempt
Daniel Jay
Associate - Residential Investment & Development
Agent details
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