ID 102876UpdatedBroad Quay House
Broad Quay
Bristol, BS1 4DJ
Please contact us for price
- Space Available
3,465 ft² / 322 m² (approx. 32 desks)
- Summary
- Energy rating
- Location
- Brochures
- Agents
Broad Quay House sits on the waterfront in the heart of the Bristol and is designed in traditional wharf architecture.
- 15 minute walk to Temple Meads
- Waterfront location
- Underground car parking
- Excellent amenities
The fourth floor suite offers vast waterfront views across Broad Quay, creating a bright office space. The suite benefits from a kitchenette and 3 meeting rooms and is available in its current configuration or fully fitted, allowing for plug and play options with shorter, flexible leases also available.
Energy rating
Broad Quay House is situated in the heart of Bristol, a short 15 minute walk away from Bristol Temple Meads. The office overlooks Broad Quay which offers a range of leisure amenities including a weekly street food market. The suite benefits from 2 parking spaces as well as modern cycle storage facilities.
Hannah Waterhouse
Director - Office Agency
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