Matrix Apex
Lanson Roberts Road
Bristol, BS35 4BR
Please contact us for price
- Space Available3.095 - 3.982 ac / 1.252 - 1.611 ha
Chris Yates
Director - Industrial & Logistics
Agent details
Sophie Kettlewell
Associate - Industrial & Logistics
Agent details
- Summary
- Facilities & services
- Energy rating
- Location
- Brochures
- Agents
Matrix Apex up to 320,000 q ft or 2 units of 173,451 sq ft and 134,810 sq ft
Build To Suit
- Flexible unit sizes available
- Planning consent granted for up to 320,000 sq ft
- Up to 99m haunch height
- B1, B2, B8 use classes
- Fully enabled and serviced plot
- Up to 6 MVA Power supply
Matrix 49 is a new industrial/distribution development located in Avonmouth, Bristol. The site, which extends to 65 acres, offers a variety of unit sizes ranging up to 584,361 SQ FT within three separate phases and totalling over 1.1m.
Matrix 49 is an exemplary development for a diverse range of businesses searching to optimise their distribution network In western England to the rest of the UK.
Energy rating
EPC Exempt
Chris Yates
Director - Industrial & Logistics
Agent details
Sophie Kettlewell
Associate - Industrial & Logistics
Agent details
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