Coworking Space
ID V-41416Network Eagle Lab
Southampton, SO14 7SJ
Please contact us for price
- Space Available1 - 30 desks
- Summary
- Facilities & services
- Energy rating
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- Agents
The Barclays Lab in Southampton is an innovative and dynamic workspace designed to foster collaboration, creativity, and technological advancement. Located in the heart of Southampton, this facility serves as a hub for Barclays’ tech-focused initiatives, where teams work on pioneering projects to shape the future of banking and finance. The building blends cutting-edge design with a flexible environment that supports agile methodologies and encourages cross-disciplinary collaboration.
With its modern architecture, the space is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and facilities that cater to a wide range of tech-driven activities, from software development to fintech innovation. The Southampton Lab is a key part of Barclays' commitment to supporting the digital transformation of the banking industry, providing a platform for employees, partners, and start-ups to collaborate, innovate, and drive forward the next generation of financial solutions.
Energy rating
EPC Exempt
Olivia Reed
Assistant Surveyor
Agent details
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