74 Rivington Street
London, EC2A 3AY
Please contact us for price
- Space Available
2 - 50 desks
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From 2 to 50 desks available, please contact us for more details.
74 Rivington Street was originally built for furniture manufacturing, and still has the iconic high ceilings and large windows of Shoreditch's roaring 18th century furniture and printing trade. This unbranded business centre has 4 floors of serviced office space and co-working / shared workspace over 4 floors, with meeting rooms, breakout space and 6 outdoor areas from courtyards to a large roof garden. A great community workplace in the heart of Shoreditch.
Shoreditch is a place of nightlife. True, but there are plenty of things to occupy the daytime visitor. If you're interested in its furniture and design heritage, then have a browse in SCP on Curtain Road, where owner Sheridan Coakley has bought the best of contemporary furniture design since 1985. At the beginning of Kingsland Road is the Geffrye Museum: the best museum of domestic life in the country with room sets, and a setting in old almshouses.
Architects: BuckleyGrayYeoman
On request
Flexible 3 Months - 3 Years
2 - 50 desks
Energy rating
Ellie Scargill
Flex Advisor
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