Coworking Space
ID V-31025Sugar House Island - 1 Danes Yard & 1 Cooperage Yard
High Street
London, E15 2RB
Please contact us for price
- Space Available35 - 80 desks
- Summary
- Facilities & services
- Energy rating
- Location
- Brochures
- Agents
Dane's Yard & Cooperage Yard are in the Creative Quarter and first phase of Sugar House Island, located near to Stratford (13min walk or via numerous bus connections). It's an rapidly developing, canal-side quarter with a mix of stunning sympathetic and characterful offices with plentiful outdoor spaces. Spaces are available as fully managed, furnished and ready to work. Spaces start from 2,400sqft from @£75psqf fitted, furnished and managed.
Sugar House Island's award-winning vision will bring together a growing community with 1,200 new homes, 624,000 sq ft of office space and a mix of restaurants, retail and leisure occupiers amongst the waterways of east London.
As flexible working habits have evolved numerous tech, fashion and creative businesses are locating in the East and alongside a thriving university vibe are growing an exciting part of the City. Stratford is well connected to central London and with dedicated bike routes such as the Cycle Superhighway and Jubilee Greenway passing by parks and canals on their way to the Island.
Energy rating
EPC Exempt
Olivia Reed
Assistant Surveyor
Agent details
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